{"data":{"site":{"siteMetadata":{"title":"Design & Pizza"}},"allMarkdownRemark":{"edges":[{"node":{"excerpt":"I n Mozilla’s documentation on JavaScript they have a section on lexical grammar , and this is how they summarize it: The source text of ECMAScript scripts gets scanned from left to right and is converted into a sequence of input elements which are tokens, control characters…","fields":{"slug":"/wtfjs/starting-from-the-top/mind-your-grammar/"},"frontmatter":{"date":"13 September, 2018","title":"Mind your grammar"}}},{"node":{"excerpt":"This is the first series in the WTF Javascript topic about JavaScript. JavaScript is the most common term that is used when people are referring to…JavaScript 😑 - but there are quite a few other ways that folks refer to JavaScript that freaked me out when I started writing…","fields":{"slug":"/wtfjs/starting-from-the-top/"},"frontmatter":{"date":"12 September, 2018","title":"Starting from the top"}}},{"node":{"excerpt":"What. The. Fuck. JavaScript. Seriously. The last time I was writing code full-time was in 2005. I was using XMLHttpRequest to build interfaces that were inspired by 37 Signal’s Ta-da list app. If you are unfamiliar with the Ta-da list app, you should know that at the time it…","fields":{"slug":"/wtfjs/"},"frontmatter":{"date":"11 September, 2018","title":"WTF JavaScript (Introduction)"}}},{"node":{"excerpt":"Hi there, and welcome to Design Pizza. My name is Christopher Andersson , and this is a space where I will be exploring pretty much everything related to product design and development in order to be a better writer and product designer. I taught myself to program on a Tandy…","fields":{"slug":"/welcome/"},"frontmatter":{"date":"10 September, 2018","title":"Welcome to Design Pizza"}}}]}},"pageContext":{}}